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Coaches Corner: Serving

Coaches Corner: Serving
An opera doesn’t end until the fat lady sings, and a volleyball match doesn’t start until someone serves the ball. Serving can be nerve-wracking, since you’re hitting the ball from as far away from the net as you’ll ever have to, but it’s also an opportunity to get an early lead. That being said, if your team struggles to serve the ball over the net, then they won’t be able to win a game. Here we’ll take a look at the three most important parts of a serve and what to look for when coaching them, then give you some drills to improve your squad’s serving.


Whether you’re a seasoned volleyball coach or just prepping for your first practice, having the right warm-up is vital to your team. Your players are looking for drills that get their blood pumping, improve their game skills, and get their minds focused on the practice ahead.